Tweedmouth Middle School


Tweedmouth Community Middle School in Berwick-upon-Tweed produced some wonderful written word, model making and art work about the Reivers.

Playwright Steve Byron, Elysium AD Jake Murray and John Sadler and Beverley Palin of Time Bandits all did workshops with the children who were part of the project, helping them to become excited by the Reivers and their local history.

In addition, the cohort was able to attend a special matinee performance of our play ‘Reiver – Tales From The Borders’ at the Maltings in Berwick. For many of the children this was their first experience of serious theatre. They response was terrific.

It was a great pleasure working with Sheryl McLeod and the staff of Tweedmouth Middle School on this project.

It was a cold Tuesday night as I organised my most honourable men. As leader of the Elliot clan, I knew that a lost battle was a dangerous threat to people in my army and even myself. After weeks without a fight, it would be finally time to create some more troublesome tension. I had a look at my paper map and was trying to pick out a target that would be reasonable to attack, as I moved my eyes up to the north east of the map, the Scott family, labelled in black. It was night, I told my clan that we have to act like a ‘normal reiver’ and ask sternly to take one of their cattle. The Scott family were certainly not a weak clan, as last time we fought (around five months ago) I analysed and pointed out -after the stalemate and truce) that their armour was quite hard to leave a dent in, let alone pierce open. Soon after the last battle, I had sent miners in our clan to find more valuable resources to improve our armour. With some of my strongest men, we marched two miles up and over hills and woods to the family base of the Scott clan. With my loudest, most powerful and persuasive voice, I demanded that the Scott clan shall give us one of their cattles. As I expected, their leader Edvard refused my demands and I knew there was only going to be one way of winning over their cattles – War. I marched my army back to the base, The Scott family didn’t know what would await them. 


We then headed for our camp to gather the remnants of our men that we have left to defend in case the blood lusting Curls.That night, I assembled the whole family, we united, got armoured, and began our crusade to the Scott family’s door. Upon our arrival we find the house of the Scotts seemingly quiet and abandoned, we bash on the door, no reply, I then shout at the ambience inside”I will-” as I went to finish my threat, a light thudding noise filled the ears of the whole family. “We know that you are in there!” I said menacingly. But still, that light thudding noise filled my ears. But wait, was the noise getting louder? It goes louder, louder, louder… 


There was silence.. then a stampede of roars and shouting. The horses came running over the hill, swords out. Our horses got spooked and tried to run but we were cornered and we had nowhere to go. People everywhere swords out and bows at the ready. We had no choice but to fight. The Scott family had better armour and more men. We knew we were done for. Longswords would do nothing to their longbows. It was dark, horses jumped as arrows were fired in the air. Our men fell off our horses and the Scott’s ran as if they were scraps of meat. Some of our men tried to run but, the Elliot’s longbows shot them down one by one. More men ran over the hill and stopped at the top and fired arrows. We assumed we were done for but all the arrows were nowhere near us. It was a rival family to the Scotts. They ran off the hill and took half of the Scott men; the thuds and screams of the Scott Family members would send shivers down the bravest of soldiers. We now had a fighting chance. We ran into battle with our longswords we took most of them down there was five left I turned around all of my family was gone on the floor I would have cried but I didn’t have time I had to fight for my fallen soldiers even if I did win it wouldn’t be a real win because I would have no one to celebrate with. Edvard was a real man and backed away and let me fight the four men by myself. We smiled at each other. The four thuds could have made me cry but I had to keep it together. Edvard nodded at me to let me see my fallen soldiers. I didn’t know what to do… until I recognised a body. My son’s blood stained my armour , I fell to my knees and screamed in pain and anger. “MY SON! MY SON!” I screamed out and cried.       


There were now two men on the battlefield, me and the scott leader (Edvard Scott). We stood there trying to find a flaw in each other’s defence. I saw a tiny weakness in Edvards defence so I attacked. Slice… My blade missed Edvards neck… Edvard screamed in pain. His arm now had a massive gash down the side of his arm. He screamed unpleasant words at me as we circled trying to find another flaw. I saw another opportunity so attacked again Clash when our longswords in the light of the rising sun. The fallen Scott family members now stain the grass of the battlefield. Edvard knelt down and grabbed an arrow from a fallen soldier’s quiver. He lunged for me and plunged the arrow into my shoulder. My left arm was now limp by my side. I fell to the floor. Edvard walked over and knelt down. I pulled out my dagger and shoved it into his heart. He screamed in pain and just barely took a final breath, my eyes barely open, just barely alive… I thought I was dead. I heard footsteps. I thought this was it. They fell to the floor and helped me. I turned my head. It was my wife she helped dragged me away from underneath my fallen enemy. My soldiers lay on the battlefield for the rest of time. I couldn’t leave my soldiers. I called the rest of my village to move our soldiers, They all helped us win. We built a memorial over the next few weeks to honour them. Even after the battle, I couldn’t get over my son’s death and don’t think I ever will. 

Connor : Narrator

Mason M : Knight T

Jay M : King G 

Riley W : King T

Toby T : Shepherd T

Aidan J : Police

Layton R : shepherd G

Mason G : Knight G

Narrator : It was a cold winter’s day and a family called the Trotters stole some cattle from one of the biggest reiver families… The Grahams.

King G: Give me ma bloody cattle back!

King T: No your no gettin’ yur cattle back and if you come near I’ll slaughter you!

(King T exits)

Narrator: The Trotters were not very happy and swore to god they would get revenge.

King G: Them bastard Trotters I will kill the lot of em.

Shepherd G: Yeah they better not come back into our grounds again.

Narrator: Meanwhile the Trotters were thinking of a plan to steal all the cattle.

King G: Lets not take one but ALL OF their cattle!

Shepherd G: Hold up – wait a minute… I could pretend to be a messenger and enter their grounds, oh my golly gosh how on good god’s earth did I think of that?!

King G: That is a bloody amazing idea!

The next day

KingG: Let’s go today and get our cows back!

Knight G: Yes I will go at 12 O’clock while the shepherd pretends to be a messenger so the gates can open for me to steal all of the cattle.

King T:  Let’s go and get more of the Grahams cattle today.

Narrator: The Grahams march along, over the soggy marshes over to the Trotter’s castle.

King T: Keep away or thy shall be slain.

King G: Thou shall never back down from a challenge.

Narrator: A massive fight broke out.

Police: (Police shouting) HEY GET BACK NOW!



King G: O’ no SCRAM


Knight T: Them police are bastards (Trotters run off)

Narrator: The Grahams and the Trotters run away

King G: We will get them next time my King.

King  T: Let’s attack there place tomorrow

Narrator:The Trotters plan to attack the grahams at night.

Knight T: We shall emerge from these bushes at 12 midnight.

Narrator: And then it was 12 o’clock

Knight T: Let’s strike now!

King T: Charge round the back of the base and dig under the fences then say the word and i’ll be there.

Knight T: Aye will do.

Knight G: Right we better stay cautious because these bloody Trotters will probably try to nick cattle! 

Narrator: the Trotters charged at the Graham’s base.

King T: We are trying to find the cattle. Grab them and go.

Narrator: King T fires an arrow.

Knight G: Aghhh i got hit with an arrow, (groans)


King T: Got their cattle now shepherds grab them and head back to camp.

(Knight T trips leaving his leg fractured)

Shepherd T: Got ‘em heading back now my lord.

Knight T: Don’t leave me here your majesty

King G:Them bloody bastards taking our coo’s

Narrator: The king of trotters tells the knight to shut up, the knight and heads over back to camp with his shepherd leaving the Grahams baffled.


(Knight T gets up limping and surrenders to the Grahams)

Knight T: Let me join your acquaintances in battle.

King G: As you wish.

Knight T: (Whispers) I’ll get back on them bastard Trotters

Narrator: The Grahams and knight T run after the Trotters.

King G: I see them CHARGE!!!!!!!!

Narrator: The Grahams have spotted The trotters and are charging while Knight T is Firing arrows at The Trotters.

King T: ahhhh we’re under attack… and I’ve been hit. Shepard… Run!!!!!!!!!!.

Narrator: Shepherd T ran away while all of the trotter army died in the battle.

King G: let’s get our cattle back.

Narrator:The Grahams got their cattle back and never had trouble from any Trotters again,Or so they thought.

Shepard T: I got away and now next time I’m going for revenge!